Conference 2022
CHS² 2022
CHS2 was for three days the international discussion forum for hot sheet metal forming, with 190 delegates (38% academia, 62% industry). A total number of 89 technical presentations were given in the conference, with the most relevant findings from academia (52%) and industry (48%).
This well-balanced program gave a complete overview of the recent developments in physical metallurgy, new characterization techniques for crash, fatigue, fracture or wear performance and advances in modelling techniques together with the new alloys developed by steelmakers and the latest developments in hot metal forming processes and manufacturing of innovative hot stamped parts. The high level lectures, the participation of most of the key players in hot stamping and the inspiring Barcelona spirit created the perfect conditions for intense and fruitful networking.
We are all looking forward the 9th CHS2 edition in 2024 in Nashville (USA) to see the effects of such networking and how the technology is adapting to the new needs of e-mobility and sustainability.
CHS2 Organizing Committee